
Friday, March 02, 2007


I thought I would try something new yesterday and do the shopping without the pram and use the leads/harnesses we bought ages ago. Might not do that again for a while. A friend described walking with his twin grandaughters as like herding cats and that desciption was so apt. They would not both go the same way and it rained yesterday morning so they both had to jump in every little puddle. We managed to buy the milk and went home. I was exhausted. It was one of those days when I felt like I was waiting forever for a respectable time so I could have a scotch.
Luckily the zinnias have flowered which made me smile.

There has not been much crafting this week. I have spent a bit of time downloading music for my Dad for his birthday - way easier than teaching him to use itunes as this would involve teaching him how to use a computer. So then I had to find some music for me which ended up being a lot of dodgy 80s stuff. I really needed some more Neko Case and Sufjan Stevens, but don't think I'll admit to the rest of it. I did finish this little bag though for a 2 year olds birthday. Hopefully there will be some sewing time over the long weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Sounds a little like the scene from Ben Hur, where he has to wrestle the chariot horses into compliance.

    Tricky business, chariot driving.

  2. Aw, you are such a good kid!

  3. Hey! You visited my blog, thanks for dropping by. You are on my regular list of blogs to read.

  4. I would have loved to be in town to see that, us mums will do silly things!

  5. Hi Kate, a friend of mine - and yours, Donna Hards put me onto your blog(I'm a scrapbooking/craft nut too. I'm in the process of setting up my own blogg and was wondering if you could tell me how you get the box around your photos?

    I'll chech back in for an answer - thanks!!!
